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  • jam82781

5 must-read books

Updated: May 3, 2020

Take a look at these 5 fantastic novels to help you fall in love with literature.

1. Pet Sematary (Stephen King)

One of King's most popular books, is surely his best. Check out Pet Sematary to figure out why King is considered one of the best authors to contribute to the horror genre.

2. Of Mice & Men (John Steinbeck)

This must read American classic gives us an honest take on the American Dream. Accompanied with one of the greatest cast of characters ever in a book, this novel is one everyone should read once in their lifetime.

3. Tales of Ordinary Madness (Charles Bukowski)

Tales of Ordinary Madness is a great example of an author who deals mainly in poetry, being just as successful when it comes to writing a narrative piece. My favorite short story collection

4. Life of Pi (Yann Martel)

What is now a successful motion picture, Life of Pi is one of the greatest adventure novels ever written. If you like coming of age stories, this is a great pick.

5. The Iliad (Homer)

Alongside The Odyssey, one of the essential pieces of literature. The Iliad has inspired almost every European novel that has come after it. The Iliad is a classic for a good reason.

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